jeu 29 Déc MusicSchool Engaging Students In Co-Creating Curricula Tha 108 Charlotte Road, Sheffield S1 4TL Speakers: QUILLAN JAMES Free
mar 27 Déc RAOUNDTABLESchool In Co-Creating Curricula That Embed Equality 274 Seven Sisters Road, London, N4 2HY Speakers: ISAIAH JAMES $38/ph Open
dim 25 Déc SchoolScience Science of behavior through an environmental 179 York Way, Holloway, N7 9LN Speakers: REGINALD PHILIP Closed
mar 20 Déc MusicRAOUNDTABLE International Conference on Large Databases 179 York Way, Holloway, N7 9LN Speakers: REGINALD PHILIP Closed